Q4: How did
you use media (digital) technologies in the construction (pre/post production),
research, planning and evaluating stage?
During the research, planning, pre and post production of my
short horror film, poster and radio trailer I used several forms of digital
technology to aid me to create a successful final product.
During the research stage of my product digital technologies
played a big role as through web 2.0 I was able to conduct analysis of other
products. I was able to conduct research into other production companies which
produces had successful horror films; I had researched Dark Castle
Entertainment as they had produced the film Orphan (2009) which shares similar
characteristics to Indelible such as having a young female lead actress.
Through web 2.0 I also conducted research on short horror films, radio trailers
and film posters, I had identified the codes and conventions they had conformed
to and challenged, to gain inspiration for my product. I had also used
presentation tools such as Prezi which allowed me to present my research in a
slideshow format.
In addition to this I
had used SurveyMonkey and Instagram to ask my target audience questions in
order to gain an insight of what my target audience are into. My group and I
had split up the surveys so we had gained feedback on narrative, poster, what
they like in a horror film and radio trailer. From this we had gained qualitative
and quantitative data.
I had sent the survey
to family and friends of our target audience via various different social media
platforms such as Whatsapp and Snapchat, which are also other examples of
digital technologies. My group and I had chosen to use Instagram as it is a
popular form of social media amongst our target audience, it was also a means
for us to access our audience.
I had also used WhatsApp
to create a group chat with my group in order to communicate effectively and
share useful information regarding our products. Through WhatsApp we had
conducted group meetings to discuss about our products.
Moreover, during research my group and I had created a
preliminary task. We had selected a scene from the film The Conjuring (2013),
we had decided to film using the Canon 100d camera, however whilst filming the
battery had died, so we resulted in using our phones to record. We had then
edited this using Final Cut and uploaded it up onto our blogs using YouTube.
This was useful as we edited our final product using Final Cut, we were able to
familiarise with the tools and effects, I was then confident when editing my
designated scenes of Indelible.
During the planning stage of my product my group and I had
created an animated storyboard which was extremely useful for us as it gave us
an idea of how our film would be and also we were able to make changes. We then
edited the storyboard using iMovie and also uploaded it onto YouTube to share
on our blogs. We had also used social media and email to do an audition callout
in order to find actors for our film.
During the post- production of our horror film, we used
various examples of digital technology. Firstly, we used Final Cut to edit the
film, we used tools such as blade and cut and select and place scenes where we
wanted. After we had our offline edit we then started playing around with
filters and transitions, for example in the last scene we had slowed down the
pace of the doll falling, this therefore slowed down the narrative for our
audience. In addition to this we had used filters on our flashbacks to show the
audience the difference in time, this allowed them to identify the anachronic
narrative we had followed. We had used ADR (automated dialog replacement) to
re- record dialogue as during filming the mic didn’t not pick up the dialogue
efficiently or was it of high quality. After we had recorded the new dialogue,
we them imported it on to final cut.
In order to edit our poster we had used Photoshop CS6. We had
used a range of tools to edit the image. For example, we enhanced the colour of
the red ropes attached to doll to make it more apparent to the audience. In
addition to this we had also used Photoshop to add the title, tagline and
credits to the poster. In order to do this we had downloaded the font from 1001
fonts.com and dafont.com. We then used Photoshop to edit the teaser posters,
for the first teaser poster we had increased the sharpness of the image and
also the brightness in order to enhance the detail. For the second teaser
poster we had used a filter to make the image look disturbing and edgy.
Lastly, digital technology played a vital role in packaging
my evaluations. Through digital technology I was able to access and use a range
of softwares, such as Powtoon and Prezi, in order to package my evaluations. I
used web 2.0 to get pictures of logos when referring to them in my question. I
then used my phone to record my voiceover for the questions, I then emailed
these to myself and uploaded onto my software ready for me to package.
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