Q3: What
have you learnt from your audience feedback?
Audience feedback played a vital role in the production of
Indelible as it allowed us tailor our film to what our target audience find
appealing in a horror film.
We targeted our film to the age group 15+. We aimed our film at
teenagers and young adults of the demographic group E and D. We chose to target
teenagers and young adults, as they’ll be aware and educated about current
social issues. In terms of psychographics we targeted reformers, strugglers and
explorers. Reformers are socially aware and they’ll therefore be aware of the
issue of FGM. We targeted strugglers as they seek to escape and this could be
through engrossing themselves into our horror film. Lastly we targeted
explorers as they seek discovery and experience, this can be through viewing
our film, also as they value difference our film will appeal to them as the
issue of FGM has not been addressed in past horror films.
The first audience feedback we had received was on our pitch.
At first my group and I had chosen to have a narrative where the protagonist
goes through a spiritual sacrifice by a supernatural demon. However, our target
audience had stated that this narrative was very typical and that they had seen
it over and over again. They suggested that we make the issue in our film more
current and modern, which is why we chose FGM. We chose to put across this idea
in our film for our audience to interpret it instead of us directly showing it.
This applies to Barthes Semic code.
My group and I had conducted research using Survey Monkey.
Each member of my group had their own questionnaire which we had asked people
of our target audience to answer, each survey had a different topic. For
example we had a survey on what our audience prefer in horror films, another on
films poster, another on film narrative and the last on radio trailer. Through
splitting up the ancillary tasks and conducting a survey on each aspect we were
able to gain qualitative and quantitative feedback. In the first survey we had
asked the audience what sub- genre of horror they preferred, a vast majority
had said that they liked supernatural and psychological, this helped us decide
the subgenre for our films and influenced us to create a hybrid subgenre of
both supernatural and psychological. In our film poster survey we had asked our
audience what was their current favourite horror film poster and why. Responses
showed that Sinister and Annabelle were the most the popular, both posters use
quite dark colours and some stated that they like the doll in the Annabelle
poster as it is quite ominous. From this we decided to incorporate dark colours
and feature a doll as the primary image in the poster as majority also answered
that they would prefer if the doll was the primary image on the poster. We
furthered research on posters as we took to Instagram to ask our target
audience which horror film poster they like and why. Again majority answered
Annabelle. We chose to use Instagram as it is a popular form of social media
used by people of our target audience. This was also a means of accessing our
In our narrative survey we asked the audience if they prefer
when normality is restored at the end of a horror film or its left unresolved.
60% answered saying that they would prefer the film being left unresolved. This
influenced our decision to end the film on disequilibrium. Our film therefore
challenges Todorov’s equilibrium theory as at the end of our film Madeline
hints to the audience that FGM will be repeated on the new girl Samantha. We
also asked our audience whether they like when a horror narrative is based on a
conflict in society, 80% had answered yes, further reinforcing our decision to
base Indelible on FGM. Horror films in the past and currently always paid
homage to either political or social issues, for example the film Purge 2013
addresses and raises awareness of the overcrowded prisons and corrupt
In the survey we
carried out for the radio trailer we asked our audience whether or not they
like sound effects in a horror film and if so what sound effects. 88% had said
that they like sound effects in a horror film and screams and laughs were the
most popular as it ‘makes the film scarier’. In the trailer we also added
diegetic surgery room sound effects to create an enigma for the audience as
they will contemplate what type of surgery is taking place. In both the film
and radio we added whispers of the words ‘purify’, ‘innocence’ and ‘sin’. We did
this as we wanted to hint to our audience the intention behind the FGM and
abuse was to purify Madeline of sins and to preserve her innocence.
We also used Survey Monkey to ask our target audience which
tagline they liked best for our film. We asked them which tagline they thought
would go best with our film, Indelible. From this we learnt that ‘ It’s a chain
of events’ was the most popular, however, my group and I had decided to alter
this slightly to ‘It’s a chain reaction’. Through the use of social media
platforms such as Snapchat we were able to gain audience feedback on our
production logo. Using snapchat we had posted a number of possible logos that
my group and I liked best, we then asked our audience to screenshot which logo
they liked best for Grimm Productions. From feedback we had learnt that the
most popular logo had 7 out of 11 screenshots, we then made this our logo.
As part of research my group and I had conducted an
ethnographic study, this allowed us to gain an insight into what our target
audience find interesting in a horror film. We chose the film Split as it is a
psychological horror film that was recently released in 2017 and similarly it
has a young teenage girl as the protagonist. The film raises awareness of
mental health problems and social issues in society which made the film
realistic for our target audience and therefore they found it more frightening.
Our target audience are also able to sympathise with both the antagonist and
protagonist due to their age and the fact that the antagonist is a victim of a
mental health disorder. Likewise in our film we decided to have a young girl as
they protagonist, however, we decided to change this and make her later become
the antagonist due to the abuse she has undergone. This is an example of
preferred reading as the audience will respond to the product the way we as
producers want them to.
We also got feedback regarding our film script and poster
from our target audience. We gave out post it notes and got our audience to
write what they think about our poster, we then made improvements. The feedback
from our script was useful as it stated what they thought was good about the
script and what they thought could be improved.
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