Thursday, 14 September 2017

Poster Analysis- The Woman in Black

This poster follows the codes and conventions of a horror movie poster. This is shown through the font and the colours used. The main colour shown in the poster is black and this connotes death and  fear which links to the genre of the film, supernatural horror. Moreover you can see a sihouette in the back which also relates to what the film is based on and as the audience you are able to infer that the movie is about perhaps haunting spirits. Also as it is behind the protagonist it perhaps means that he is unaware of what is going to happen creating an element of mystery. The colour black immediately creates a negative atmosphere. The font used is simple yet bold as it is in capitals. The white stands out against the black background and also emphasises the ghostly nature of the film by creating a spooky, eerie atmosphere and allows the audience to identify the genre of the film.

Immediately looking at the poster you can recognise who the main character is in the movie, Daniel Radcliffe as he takes up majority of the frame. Through the extreme close-up you are able to see his facial expressions and this allows the audience to see his intense and serious expression. The eyes are as if they are staring into the audience making them feel connected. Also, we can identify the setting of the film which is an isolated, abandoned house which seems to be in the middle of nowhere, this is stereotypical of horror movies as they are usually set in an isolated building. Through lighting the main character is highlighted and may mean that perhaps he is running away from the darkness. This is further reinforced as the silhouette and haunted house is behind him.

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