Wednesday, 21 June 2017

What is a horror film?

What is a horror film?

Horror Films are designed to cause dread and alarm, and to frighten and invoke panic in the audience. It’s our worst fears and horrors of the unknown but at the same time its entertainment for viewers and invoke an adrenaline rush. Viewers enjoy watching horror films because of the adrenaline rush and the because of the fear of the unknown. It acts as an enigma. It is also the thrill and fun factor in being scared and watching horrific images.

Horror movies go back to over 100 years ago. Horror movies may include elements such as ghosts, demons, witches, vampire and supernatural occurrences. It also maybe comedy horror, action horror, psychological horror, supernatural horror and horror drama. Horror films effectively center on the dark side of life, on the forbidden and strange, alarming events.

Final Film